Home > group-hug


Group-hug is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

facebook tutorial

The Plan to develop facebook connect application:

  1. Install rails:

    gem install rails

  2. Create rails app:

    rails new fbcomments

  3. Install facebooker2 as a plugin in your rails app.

    script/rails plugin install git://github.com/mmangino/facebooker2.git

  4. Create facebook application at http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php And set Site URL to your application URL: http://staging.operations.engineyard.com/

  5. Create config/facebooker.yml with the appropriate environment.

    development: app_id: secret: api_key:

    and possible test/production environment

  6. Create config/initializers/facebooker2.rb and place the following line in it


  7. Add the following line to your app/controllers/application_controller.rb

    include Facebooker2::Rails::Controller

  8. Update your rails applications to use the rails helpers. Lets put this code to page layout(views/layouts/application.html.erb) to display login button on every page or if user already loged in - his name

    <% # include JavaScript to use facebook connect%> <%= fb_connect_async_js %>

    <% if current_facebook_user !=nil %> <%= "Welcome #{@current_user.name}!" if @current_user !=nil %> <%= fb_logout_link("Logout", request.url) %>
    <% else

    we must explicitly request permissions for facebook user fields.

    # we need to get user's email, groups, stream posts and post to groups or stream
    # also fb_login_and_redirect first parameter is redirect url after login attempt
    <%= fb_login_and_redirect( url_for(:action => 'create', :controller => 'home', :only_path => false),
        :perms => 'email,user_groups,read_stream, publish_stream') %>

    <% end %>

  9. Create model to store application users

    rails generate model User

    and create migration like this:

    class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration def self.up create_table :users do |t| t.string :email, :name, :facebook_id, :facebook_session_key t.timestamps end end

    def self.down drop_table :users end end

    then run migration via

    rake db:migrate

  10. Create Home controller and put there login and create user action

    rails generate controller Home

    just display empty page

    def login end

    view can be empty - login button already defined in the layout

    create action must get parameters passed by facebook after user login and create new user if it not exists. we can do it such way:

    def create @user = User.find_by_email(params[:email]) create_via_facebook_connect if @user.nil?

    if @user != nil 
      session[:user_id] = @user.id
      redirect_to url_for(groups_path)
      flash[:error] = "Unable to log you in"
      render :action=>"login"


    def create_via_facebook_connect if current_facebook_user

    look for an existing user

      @user = User.find_by_facebook_id(current_facebook_user.id)      
      if @user.nil?
        #if one isn't found - fetch user data via Mogli lib and create new user
        @user = User.new(:name => current_facebook_user[:name], :email => current_facebook_user[:email], :facebook_id => current_facebook_user[:id], :facebook_session_key => current_facebook_client.access_token)


  11. After successful login users will go to groups controller. Lets create it and setup routes:

    rails generate controller Groups

    and edit config/routes.rb to add

    resources :groups

    set home page to login

    root :to => "home#login"

    and allow to use '/' routes. Just uncomment last route

    match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'

  12. Add methods to ApplicationController to check if user is logged in and determine user id:

    def current_user if session[:user_id] @current_user ||= User.find(session[:user_id]) elsif current_facebook_user and @current_user.nil? @current_user = User.find_by_facebook_id(current_facebook_user.id) end end

    helper_method :current_user

    def login_required if current_user.nil? flash[:notice] = "You must login to access this page" session[:return_to] = request.request_uri redirect_to :controller =>'home', :action =>'login' and return end end

  13. Implement GroupsController

    def index

    get current users groups

    @groups = current_facebook_user.groups
    #determine selected user group or get first group id if default group is not selected
    @default_group = @current_user.default_group
    @default_group = @groups.first.id if @default_group.nil? && @groups.first != nil


  14. Implement goups view in app/views/groups/index.html.erb

    <select name="group" id="group" >
    <% @groups.each do |group| %>
     <option value="<%=group.id%>" <%= 'selected' if @default_group == group.id %>><%=group.name%></option>
    <% end %>
    <input id="def_group" name="def_group" type="checkbox" selected="false" /> Default group <br/>
    <div id="posts_container" >Posts</div>
  15. Install jQuery via instructions at https://github.com/lleger/Rails-3-jQuery/

  16. Add placeholder for JavaScript at layout header

    and create JavaScript to save default group

    <% content_for (:javascript) do %>
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $('#def_group').bind('change', function() {
        var group_id = $(this).is(':checked') ? $('#group').val() : 'nil'
        $.post('/groups/default/' + group_id ,  function() {
          alert ('Default group was saved');
    <% end %>

    So now we have combo box with all user groups.

  17. Implement default group save in GroupsController

    def default render :json => { :result => @current_user.update_attributes(:default_group => params['id'] == 'nil' ? nil : params['id']) } end

  18. Implement Posts in current group displaying.

    rails generate controller Groups

    Lets use nested resouces to relate groups and posts. Setup routes this way:

    resources :groups do resources :posts end

  19. Call Posts List in groups view via jQuery:

    Implement 'change' event:

    $('#group').bind('change', function() { $('#posts_container').load('/groups/' + $(this).val() + '/posts', function() { FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById('posts_container')); }); });

    And implement default group display on page load:

    $('#posts_container').load('/groups/%=@default_group%/posts', function() { FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById('posts_container'));


    Posts controller will return user images in FBML, so we must parse FBML via FB.XFBML.parse

  20. Posts list in selected group to insert via AJAX:

    def index
    @group = Mogli::Group.new({:id=>params['group_id']}, current_facebook_client) @group.fetch @posts = @group.feed render :layout => false end

    view template can be like:

    <% @posts.each do |post| %>

    <%=time_ago_in_words(post.updated_time) %> ago

    <% end %>

  21. Link to post new message used nested resource path:

    <%= link_to "Post", url_for(new_group_post_path(@group.id)) %>

  22. Display form to post message to group. PostsController get current group to display name:

    def new @group = Mogli::Group.new({:id=>params['group_id']}, current_facebook_client) @group.fetch end

    and simple view:

    Post a wall message to: <%= @group.name %>

    <% form_tag url_for(group_posts_path(@group.id)), :method=>:post do -%>

    <%= hidden_field_tag 'group_id', @group.id %>

    <%= text_area_tag 'message', nil, :rows => 10, :cols => 60 %>
    <%= check_box_tag 'send_via_email', 'yes', true %> Send the whole group an email
    <%= submit_tag 'Save' %>

    <% end -%>

    <%= link_to 'Back', url_for(groups_path) %>

  23. Form submited to create action

    def create @group = Mogli::Group.new({:id=>params['group_id']}, current_facebook_client) @group.fetch

    if current_facebook_user
      current_facebook_client.class.post(current_facebook_client.api_path(@group.id + '/feed'),
                       {:name => "#{current_facebook_user.name} Post a message using app!",
    redirect_to groups_path 


  24. Run your app via 'rackup' command