Home > Group9_program_analysis


Group9_program_analysis is a project mainly written in JAVA and PHP, it's free.

A project for a university course in program analysis

* Intro *

This README contains instructions for setting up, building and running different parts of the project.

List of currently covered topics:

  • Parser.
  • Report.

    • Parser *

The parser uses ANTLR to parse the input into the internal data structure. The currently used version is v3.2-4. At least v3.1 is required[2010-10-13], though this is subject to change. Below is setup instructions for Debian testing:

1: Install antlr3 ("aptitude install antlr3" should suffice). 2: run "ant compile"

To run the code, run: java -cp PA-group9.jar: com.github.mithunder.runner.PrintRunner

or ant run. Note that with ant run, all the output will be prefixed by ant.

If the antlr libraries are not in the default location, their location can be specified by giving properties (see build.xml for the name of the properties).

* Report *

The report is written in latex, and the pdf can be regenerated by using the following command in the "report/tex" directory: pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode report.tex or the shell script "generate_report_pdf.sh". Please remember to run the command twice, to ensure that everything is built correctly.
