Home > grover


Grover is a project mainly written in C++ and C, it's free.

Grover's algorithm evolving in the presence of noise


Active files are in diffs and common directories... the rest are just various tests of the framework.

TODO: make it clear from the code what's real and what're tests


You need gnu make and g++. There are required packages like lapack and build-essentials, as well as frozen libraries (mostly template libs) in the code... blitz++ and TNT.

Just run make from the toplevel.

- dependencies
- autoconf stuff?


To run the grover stepper, start in the main diffs directory,

cd diffs

adjust parameters for the runs you want to make

vi runner.pl

and run


Data's just dumped out to files in diffs/output for basic analysis and gnuplots.


easiest is just to

cd diffs
./stepper -?

and you get

DEBUG: Usage: stepper [options]
Where options are:
-d prob-output-datafile 
-n num-steps
-o bures-distances-output-datafile
-q num-qubits
-s step-size
-u noise-threshold


If you'd like to use this, let me know... it's quite old, but I'm happy to help get it working.

New work can still be done finding how much noise the algorithms can take in the presence of noise.

Most notably, how would ECCs change everything here? These simulations are just of the bare algorithms with noise.
