Home > gtweetbar


Gtweetbar is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

Just another (to be) GNOME Panel applet that helps you tweeeeet

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             |___/  alpha
                                                  -- ideamonk at gmail.com

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              | |                      | |            

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http://twitpic.com/l3rjl http://twitpic.com/l3oim http://twitpic.com/l3o5n http://twitpic.com/l3ml9


If you wish to try out grab the tarball, extract it, goto the extracted folder and simply do the following -

$ python ./gtweetbar.py run-in-window

To add to your gnome panel, install it first -

$ chmod u+x ./install.sh $ sudo ./install.sh

Now right-click on a panel, choose Add to Panel, and select Gnome TweetBar from the list.

*** First time it would ask you for twitter credentials. you can change it from preferences window, hit the icon on left of bar

*** To uninstall do this -

    $ sudo sh ./uninstall.sh

*NOTE - A lot more needs to be done so don't get frustated, do send some useful feedback though
