Home > guard-packr


Guard-packr is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Guard for javascript compession/obfuscation using Packr. NOTE: Not maintained.

h1. GUARD-PACKR alpha

Guard::Packr automatically compresses/obfuscates javascript files when modified (using Guard + Packr).

h2. Installation

Add to your @Gemfile@:

  gem 'guard-packr'

...and @bundle install@.


  • "guard":http://github.com/guard/guard
  • "packr":http://github.com/jcoglan/packr

...you will need, but installed by Bundler they will be. - Yoda

h2. Setup

Use the Guard generator:

  $ guard init packr

...to generate default Packr-guard (with notes) into your @Guardfile@

h2. Usage

In your @Guardfile@, something like:

  guard 'packr', :extension => '.packed.js', :shrink_vars => true, :private => true, :base62 => false, :protect => %w[_this that] do
    # == IMPORTANT:
    #   - Ensure that you don't write rules that owerwrite your source files!
    #     To avoid that either use custom "extension" (see above), or temporarily
    #     generated files as source (e.g. app/assets/javascripts => tmp/javascripts).
    #   - This guard should be placed after any javascript processing (guard-sprockets, guard-jammit, etc.)
    #     within your Guardfile - naturally (Packr makes no sense for pre-processing javascript).

To read more about the Packr-options, see "Packr":https://github.com/jcoglan/packr.

When in doubt, see "Guard":https://github.com/guard/guard.

h2. Options

  :extension    => '.packed.js'     # File-extension for the packed javascript file.
  :shrink_vars  => true,            # Compress local variable names.
  :private      => true,            # Obfuscate 'private' identifiers, i.e. names beginning with a single underscore.
  :base62       => false,           # Encode the program using base 62.
  :protect      => %w[_this that]   # Variable names to protect from compression.

h2. Notes

This gem was developed for a tiny special case at "Merchii":http://github.com/merchii, so feel free to send pull-requests with enhancements of any kind (features, bug-fixes, documentation, tests, etc.) to make it better or useful for you as well.

h2. License

Released under the MIT license. Copyright (c) "Merchii":http://github.com/merchii, "Jonas Grimfelt":http://github.com/grimen
