Home > gui2term.py


Gui2term.py is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

script that converts GUI only colorschemes to support 256-color terminal

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2778

Requirement: python3 for 2.0+. However, it should not be hard to make it work under Python 2 if you are familiar with Python (you can try the 2to3 command).

Usage: invoke it like this in commandline: ./gui2term.py sourcefile newfile or python3 gui2term.py sourcefile newfile


  • It searches and processes lines in a vim colorscheme that seems like a normal highlight command, so it does not work with all the colorscheme.
  • Some GUI only colorschemes may use the default scheme if it found itself under a terminal. You need to manually remove these lines.
  • For some colors, the output is rather bad.

gui2term is part of winterpy on github: https://github.com/lilydjwg/winterpy/tree/master/pyexe/gui2term.py
