Home > GUITester


GUITester is a project mainly written in JAVA and ERLANG, it's free.

Property-based testing tool for graphical user interfaces

Property-based testing tool for graphical user interfaces

Author: David Iglesias Fraga (dav.iglesias AT yahoo DOT es)

"lib/" folder contains third party libraries

Note: "erlang/Visualizing-EUnit-tests" is a git submodule, corresponding to a third party project. Please, initialize this submodule before proceeding.

System requirements

To compile and run the tool, the following software must be installed:

  • Java compiler and runtime environment
  • Erlang compiler and runtime system
  • Apache Ant
  • QuviQ's Erlang QuickCheck library. In case of not having it installed, the compilation procedure will output an error message, but the tool will be anyway runnable.

Erlang source compilation, configuration and execution

In order to compile this part, go to "erlang/" folder. In Unix-like systems, run the shell script "compilaErlang.sh". In other systems, compile the three applications (the sources are in "src/" subfolders and the binaries must go in the "ebin/" subfolders).

(Optional) In order to view the graphics, environmental variables "GRAPHVIZ" and "VIEWER" must be set to the name of an application to convert from .dot to .jpeg and to view JPEG images, respectively. (See "help" menu).

To launch the Erlang server, run the shell script "lanzaErlang.sh" or the order within in.

Java source compilation, configuration adn execution

Use the tool Apache Ant with the "build.xml" file provided. Normally, "ant run" would meet the requirements.
