Home > hadoop-funcs


Hadoop-funcs is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A number of bash helper functions to make life with Hadoop more pleasant.


A number of bash helper functions to make life with Hadoop more pleasant. It's grown organically so some aspects may need a bit of work.

Requires perl5.

File Listing ("ls")

hls - list only file names (supports -r for recursion) hlsh - list only file sizes (in human readable format) and file names hlsm - list only file sizes (in MB) and file names (supports -t for sort by modification time old->new) hlsg - list only file sizes (in GB) and file names (supports -t for sort by modification time old->new) hlsr - recursively list only filenames hlsl - full directory listing in human readable format (supports -r for recursion) hlslr - recursive full directory listing in human readable format

File Listing Sorted by Modification Time

hlst - hls output sorted by time old->new hlsht - hlsh output sorted by time old->new hlsmt - hlsm output sorted by time old->new hlsgt - hlsg output sorted by time old->new hlslt - hlsl output sorted by time old->new

Directory Sizing ("du")

hduhs - directory summary in human readable form (like du -hs) hduks - directory summary in KB (like du -ks) hdf - filesystem size in human readable form


hcat - hadoop fs -cat htext - hadoop fs -text hcat - hadoop fs -cat hhead - file head htail - file tail hless - file piped to less hcp - hadoop fs -cp hmv - hadoop fs -mv hget - hadoop fs -get hput - hadoop fs -put (supports -f for force ... use with caution) hrm - hadoop fs -rm (supports -r for recursion) hrmr - hadoop fs -rmr hmkdir - hadoop fs -mkdir hchown - hadoop fs -chown hchgrp - hadoop fs -chgrp htouch - hadoop fs -touchz hmerge - hadoop fs -getmerge hrep - sudo -u hdfs hadoop dfsadmin -report | less hjl - hadoop job -list hkill - hadoop job -kill