Home > poole


Poole is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

= poole

== Description

Poole is a tool for migrating from one or more {WordPress}[http://wordpress.org] blogs to {Jekyll}[https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll] using the WordPress {export}[http://codex.wordpress.org/Tools_Export_Screen] XML format.

By default, it will attempt to convert as much information as possible from WordPress, but can also be configured to filter the amount of data it converts.

Poole has been ported to Ruby from Thomas Frössman's {Exitwp}[https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp] Python script.

=== About the Name

Poole is Dr Jekyll's butler who, upon noticing the reclusiveness and changes of his master, goes to Mr. Utterson with the fear that his master has been murdered and his murderer, Mr. Hyde, is residing in the chambers. Poole serves Jekyll faithfully, and attempts to do a good job and be loyal to his master. Yet events finally drive him into joining forces with Utterson to discover the truth.—{Wikipedia}[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strange_Case_of_Dr_Jekyll_and_Mr_Hyde#Poole]

== Where

  • {GitHub}[https://github.com/halostatue/poole]

== Synopsis

gem install poole

Installing the Poole gem will provide you a new executable, +poole+, that you can then use to convert one or more WordPress export files to Jekyll. To use it, do the following in the directory where you want to convert your WordPress blog to a Jekyll blog.

  1. Export one or more WordPress blogs using the Tools/Export screen in the admin pages.
  2. Create a directory +wordpress-xml+ and put the exported WordPress export XML files in that directory.
  3. Create a configuration file with poole config create.
  4. Run the converter with poole convert [config-file].
  5. You should now have all of the blogs converted into separate directories under the +build+ directory.

Note that if Poole cannot find the +pandoc+ binary, the files will be written as HTML. The best results will be obtained if you have {pandoc}[http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/] installed. It's easiest to install +pandoc+ if you have the {Haskell Platform}[http://hackage.haskell.org/platform//] installed. At that point, it's a simple matter of typing:

cabal install pandoc

== Configuration/Customization

See the configuration file <https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp/blob/master/config.yaml>_ for all configurable options.

Some things like custom handling of non standard post types is not fully configurable through the config file. You might have to modify the source code <https://github.com/thomasf/exitwp/blob/master/exitwp.py>_ to add custom parsing behaviour.

== Known issues

  • Target file names are some times less than optimal.
  • Rewriting of image/attachment links if they are downloaded would be a good feature.
  • Meaningful translation/filtering of WordPress publish statuses into something that usable within a fairly standard jekyll setup.
  • There will probably be issues when migrating non utf-8 encoded wordpress dump files (if they exist).

:include: License.rdoc
