Home > handbrake-batch-convert.rb


Handbrake-batch-convert.rb is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Simple ruby script to batch convert using handbrake's cli

This is a quick and dirty script that converts avi and mkv files to m4v suitable for atv-2g, using HandbrakeCli

It does just what I need it to do, and so is probably limited in use. It's very simple though so should be easy to adapt to your needs.

== Usage

./handbrake-batch-convert.rb /Users/ian/Downloads/Media /Volumes/external

This will recursively scan ~/Downloads/Media and convert all avi and mkv files in there into m4vs in the same locations on /Volumes/external

The base folder used for the destination files is the folder above the specifed source. So the example above will result in:

/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/Media/foo.m4v
/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/bar/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/Media/bar/foo.m4v
/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/bar/baz/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/Media/bar/baz/foo.m4v

To specify a different base folder, use the third argument

./handbrake-batch-convert.rb /Users/ian/Downloads/Media /Volumes/external/m4vs /Users/ian/Downloads/Media

will result in:

/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/m4vs/foo.m4v
/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/bar/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/m4vs/bar/foo.m4v
/Users/ian/Downloads/Media/bar/baz/foo.avi => /Volumes/external/m4vs/bar/baz/foo.m4v

This script will not overwrite any existing files in the destination, so you can use it to scan and convert files in a directory that has already been converted (as long as you use the same arguments)
