Home > HanziList


HanziList is a project mainly written in PHP, it's free.

Sorted list of most commonly used Chinese characters



A list of the 2715 most commonly used Chinese characters (Hanzi), sorted by frequency of use.

Dump Files


This file is a dump of the MySQL database. It is the main file: others are exports from this file There is only 1 table, hanzi. Here is the description of the fields:

  • rank: rank of the frequency of use of the character, 1 being the most frequent.
  • char: the UTF-8 value of the character, in simplified form
  • pinyin: the pinyin pronunciation of the character
  • pinyin_no_accents: the pinyin pronunciation of the character, without the tonal diacritics
  • meaning: the dictionnary meaning of the character
  • alternative & alternative2: the alternative form of the character
  • trad1 & trad2: the traditionnal form(s) of the character.


This file is a dump of the hanzi table, with same columns


This file is a dump of an equivalent mongodb table, with document structure like this:

[_id] => MongoId Object (
    [$id] => 
[rank] => 
[char] => 
[pinyin] => 
[pinyin_no_accents] => 
[meaning] => 
[alternative] => 
[alternative2] => 
[trad1] => 
[trad2] => 

Migration files

In the 'migrations' folder, there are the scripts to migrate from mysql DB to CSV export and MongoDB. Change the values in include.php to use it from your local DB.

  • mysql_to_csv.php dumps a CSV export of the Mysql DB
  • mysql_to_mongodb.php exports the MysqlDB table to a MongoDB database (collection : 'hanzi').