Home > has_one_authenticated_resource


Has_one_authenticated_resource is a project mainly written in RUBY and JAVASCRIPT, based on the MIT license.

Allows for per-user credentials for ActiveResource connections


This plugin allows you to access resources using ActiveResource without needing a static single set of credentials. Credentials can be pulled in from the database (or anywhere else) and can be different depending on the model instance doing the request.


create_table :accounts, do |t| t.string "tracker_token" t.string "tempo_user" t.string "tempo_password" t.string "blinksale_user" t.string "blinksale_password" t.string "highrise_token" t.timestamps end

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base has_one_authenticated_resource :tracker_projects, :headers => { 'X-TrackerToken' => :tracker_token } has_one_authenticated_resource :tracker_stories, :headers => { 'X-TrackerToken' => :tracker_token }

has_one_authenticated_resource :tempo_entries, :user => :tempo_user, :password => :tempo_password has_one_authenticated_resource :tempo_projects, :user => :tempo_user, :password => :tempo_password has_one_authenticated_resource :tempo_reports, :user => :tempo_user, :password => :tempo_password

has_one_authenticated_resource :highrise_emails, :site => :highrise_site has_one_authenticated_resource :highrise_kases, :site => :highrise_site

has_one_authenticated_resource :blinksale_invoices, :user => :blinksale_user, :password => :blinksale_password has_one_authenticated_resource :blinksale_clients, :user => :blinksale_user, :password => :blinksale_password

private def highrise_site "http://#{self.highrise_token}.highrisehq.com/" end


find all the tracker projects that the credentials for the first account have access to


Copyright (c) 2010 Expected Behavior, released under the MIT license

need to deal with belongs_to