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Persist is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Ultra-simple persistence mechanism for JavaScript objects


Persist is an ultra-simple persistence framework for JavaScript. It originates from the common need for very simple, key-based persistence of objects. Its extensible nature allows quick and easy implementation of backends (known as repositories).

Currently supported repositories:

  • CouchDB
  • MySQL

Using Persist

Start off defining an object:

function Post(id, text)
    this.id = id;
    this.text = text;

Then, define your repository module:

var RepositoryModule = require('persist').RepositoryModule;

var module = new RepositoryModule();
        type: Post,
        injectCrud: true, // Will inject load/save on the object
        key: 'id' // Defines which property is the object key

module.createExports(exports); // Exports loadPost and savePost,
                               // and the augmented Post type

Then, use your persistable model:

var objects = require('objects'); // Your module

var post = new objects.Post('test', 'Hello');
    if(!ok) throw new Error('Could not save');

post.load('test', function(obj)
    if(!obj) throw new Error('Could not load');
    // Do stuff to the post