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Haxed is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and HAXE, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

deploy/build - new version of haxelib


A build, package, deploy and install tool for haxe.


The client drives the entire process. Once downloaded the client creates a library called 'haxed' for itself in the haxed repository. This library contains all the basic .hx files to allow the compilation of tasks and for the compilation of the haxed server.

Thus to create a haxed server,

haxed install haxed-server

will download and install the library from your neared haxed server. To create a server from the library, move to where you want it installed, then,

haxed build haxed-server

will create a www directory.

If you are building directly from source and you don't have a haxed server to connect to - to download a haxed server - then you can do this in the source directory

cd haxed-server haxed pack haxed-server haxed test haxed-server

this will create a zip file, and then install it in your haxed repository, then you can return to the haxed build step.

You'll still need to point your webserver at it.

haxed.json and haxelib.xml

I generate these two files on packing, the first because php can't compile my parser for some reason (it should be able to) and haxelib.json is the compiled .haxed file. The second for compatibility with old haxelib.

I will want to remove both at some stage, the .haxed file should be the only spec.
