Home > hcard-vcard-generator


Hcard-vcard-generator is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Given a user ID, this WordPress plugin will generate appropriate hCard and vCard formats for inserting into pages wherever you like.

=== hCard & vCard Generator === Contributors: jkohlbach Donate link: http://www.codemyownroad.com Tags: hcard, vcard, users Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.2 Stable tag: trunk

Given a user ID, this plugin will generate appropriate microformat compatible hCard and downloadable vCard formats for users.

== Description ==

The hCard & vCard Generator plugin was created to solve one specific problem, generating microformats compatible hCards from WordPress users and companion vCards for downloading purposes.

The plugin also beefs up the user profile section with new fields for organisation, job title, phone and mobile numbers

== Installation ==

  1. Upload the plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php echo generate_card($userID, $cardType); ?> in your templates where $userID is the user's ID and $cardType is either "hCard" or "vCard", or use the provided hCard vCard widget in the sidebar, or thirdly you can use shortcode to insert into posts/pages. See below:

For example to generate the hCard for admin use: <?php echo generate_card(1, 'hCard'); ?>

To generate the vCard for admin use: <?php echo generate_card(1, 'vCard'); ?>

Alternatively, as of version 1.2 you can display the widget via shortcode: [hcardvcard title="Testing Title" user="1" display_vcard=true display_hcard=true]

All attributes for the shortcode are optional, the current author gets used if no value is given.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==


== Screenshots == Examples of format outputs:

vCard Format:

BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:Gump;Forrest FN:Forrest Gump ORG:Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. TITLE:Shrimp Man TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(111) 555-1212 EMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:[email protected] ADR END:VCARD

hCard Format: `

Forrest Gump http://example.com

Work: +1.415.555.1212
665 3rd St.
Suite 207
San Francisco, CA 94107

== Changelog ==

= 1.6 =

  • Implement addresses

= 1.5 =

  • Bug fixes

= 1.4 =

  • Improve title generation to allow non-auto generated or blank headings (thanks Kevin)

= 1.3 =

  • Fixing bug with vCard generation (thanks Thomas)

= 1.2 =

  • Overhauled widget
  • Added shortcode display
  • Fixed bug in generation due to incorrect folder check

= 1.1 =

  • Updating calls to WP 3.1 standard. Fixing bugs with the widget.

= 1.0 =

  • Initial version

== Upgrade Notice ==