Home > HelioBundle


HelioBundle is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Sinatra application designed to download artifacts from a Bamboo CI server and bundle them into a specific zip format for later consumption.

= HelioBundle

Sinatra application designed to download artifacts from a Bamboo CI server, bundle them into a specific zip format and upload them to AWS S3 for later consumption.

== Usage

This service can be run as a standalone, single threaded application using a command line interface, or with thin using a rackup file.

=== Standalone CLI Great for single user testing and quick runs.

./bin/heliobundle -b -P -p -s -v

=== Thin / Rackup Great for multi-threaded long term running. Especially in an nginx/thin stack with mulitple thin processes

thin start -R ./config.ru

== Notes

  • This project was thrown together very quickly to support a very speicific need. While it probably won't solve your problem, hopefully it will give you some good ideas.
  • Suggestions are welcome.

== ToDo

  • Some testing would be nice.
  • Proper versioning would also be a bonus.
  • Bundler for gem dependencies.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2011 Ryan Greget.