Home > hello-cometd


Hello-cometd is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and CLOJURE, it's free.

A minimal hello world example how to use CometD in Clojure.


This is a minimal hello world example how to use CometD (http://cometd.org/) in Clojure. It is almost the same example as its Java equivalent in the CometD primer (http://cometd.org/documentation/howtos/primer).


Get all dependencies with "lein deps" and invoke "lein compile" to compile the comet.HelloService Java class. In the hello-cometd.core namespace you can start the Jetty Server by evaluating the line (def server (start-server)). Alternatively you can do the following in the REPL: (use 'hello-cometd.core) (def server (start-server))

After that step open your Browser and go to http://localhost:8080/ to see the example.


Copyright (C) 2010 Maximilian Weber

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.