Home > Hello-Spiffy-PHP


Hello-Spiffy-PHP is a project mainly written in JAVA and PHP, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

a sample project showing how to run Spiffy UI with PHP

Hello Spiffy PHP - GWT made simple

Hello Spiffy PHP is a sample application using the Spiffy UI Framework. It builds a simple REST application with Apache Ant and runs on PHP.

Building and Running Spiffy UI

Hello Spiffy PHP is built with Apache Ant using Apache Ivy and deployed to PHP. Once you've installed Ant, PHP, and a web server like Apache HTTP, go to your Hello-Spiffy-PHP working copy and run this command:


The ant command will download the required libraries and build the Hello Spiffy PHP project.

To deploy the Hello Spiffy PHP application, copy the contents of the target/www directory from your Hello-Spiffy-PHP working copy of to your web server server. Run the application by accessing the index.html file.

Hello Spiffy PHP as a REST application

PHP files normally serve at a specific URL. That works well for searching web pages, but not for REST.

To make our application support the name as part of the URL we're using the Apache mod_rewrite module. This requires your Apache server to have mod_rewrite installed and enabled. If you do then you can just define a rewrite rule in your .htaccess file like this:

   RewriteEngine on
   RewriteRule ^hellospiffyphp/(.*)$ hellospiffyphp.php?name=$1&%{QUERY_STRING} 

This rule will take requests to hellospiffyphp/John and send them to hellospiffyphp.php?name=John. If your server doesn't support mod_rewrite you can just change the client to pass the name as an URL parameter.

Debugging through Eclipse

Depending on your web server's configuration, you will probably need to modify your devmode launch configuration file to use the port of your web server. See Spiffy UI's GWT Dev Mode page for more information.


Hello Spiffy PHP is available under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
