Home > helmet-xslt


Helmet-xslt is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

Modified LoC MARCXML to MODS (version 3.3) stylesheet for handling transformation of open bibliografic data from HelMet libraries.

Modified Library of Congress MARCXML to MODS (version 3.3) stylesheet (http://www.loc.gov/standards/mods/mods-conversions.html) for handling transformation of open bibliografic data from HelMet libraries. (http://data.kirjastot.fi/helmet/helmet_opendata_doc.html)

==Revision 1.1== Support for Helmet-spesific call numbers in MARC21 fields 588-591. In transformation these call numbers are placed in nonstandard element.

==Revision 1.0== Use MARC21 field 035 - System Control Number to generate a persistent URL to Helmet Catalogue (http://www.helmet.fi) URL is placed at /location/url -element.
