Home > HelpBubbles.js


HelpBubbles.js is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

A Mootools library created to provide an alternate way of displaying in-page help. Usually help buttons take you to another page or hide the stuff you're trying to explain. With this library a small bubble goes to the element you want to add


This class pops up "Bubbles" with a title and an explanation next to the defined elements. Following the concept of convention over configuration if you're using the default values using this class is as easy as including the .js and .css file (after mootools), adding the two custom attributes (data-anchor-title and data-anchor-text) to the elements you want the help associated, with the information you want to display and adding the class triggerHelp to the button, link or whatever you want to start showing the bubbles.


You need Mootools core (only tested with 1.3.1) and some packages from the More. All included in the repo. More dependencies:

  • Fx.Move
  • Element.Position


Add the following into your header:

// or your existing mootools library, only tested in Mootools 1.3 // or your existing library remember to include Fx.Move and Element.Position Add the css: // Or your own You instantiate the class like this: You need to set a trigger: (it may be a link or a button or anything, just something with the class 'triggerHelp'or you pass the class you want as an option) You're all set. Just add the attributes data-anchor-title to set the title of the bubble and data-anchor-text for the text or (simple) html inside.
Options ------- Options List: anchorTitle: default = 'data-anchor-title' Defines the attribute to look for the bubble title anchorText: default = 'data-anchor-text' Defines the attribute to look for the bubble text popupContainerClass: default = 'Bubble' Defines the class of the container bubble popupContainerId: default = 'BubbleId' Defines the id of the container bubble popupClassTop: default = 'Btop' Defines the class to assign to the bubble container when the bubble is on top of the element popupClassBottom: default = 'Bbottom' Defines the class to assign to the bubble container when the bubble is under the element popupClassLeft: default = 'Bleft' Defines the class to assign to the bubble container when the bubble is to the left of the element popupClassRight: default = 'Bright' Defines the class to assign to the bubble container when the bubble is to the right of the element popupClassClose: default = 'Bclose' Defines the class to assign to the close bubble link popupCloseText: default = 'X' Defines the text/image to assign to the close bubble link popupClassContent: default = 'Bcontent' Defines the class of the content container of the bubble popupClassTip: default = 'Btip' Defines the class of the tip of the bubble triggerClass: default = 'triggerHelp' Defines the class of the element that will trigger the show bubble event hasNavigation: default = true If true will show the next and previous links navigationWrapperClass: default = 'Boptions' Defines the class of the container for the bubble navigation nextTriggerId: default = 'help-trigger-next' Defines the id of the navigation next link nextTriggerText: default = 'Next' Defines the text of the navigation next link nextTriggerClass: default = 'Bnext' Defines the class of the navigation next link prevTriggerId: default = 'help-trigger-prev' Defines the id of the navigation previous link prevTriggerText: default = 'Prev' Defines the text of the navigation previous link prevTriggerClass: default = 'Bprev' Defines the class of the navigation previous link titleAttribute: default = 'strong' Defines the attribute to wrap the bubble's title titleClass: default = 'Btitle' Defines the class of the bubble's title textAttribute: default = 'p' Defines the attribute to wrap the bubble's text textClass: default = 'Btext' Defines the class of the bubble's text leftMargin: default = 200 This sets the left margin, if the right edge of the element the bubble will be assigned to is < this limit, the bubble will not display to the left of this element. rightMargin: default = 200 This sets the right margin, if the left edge of the element the bubble will be assigned to is between this limit and the edge of the page, the bubble will not display to the right of this element. topMargin: default = 450 This sets the top margin, if the top edge of the element the bubble will be assigned to is < this limit, the bubble will not display on top of this element. bottomMargin: default = 400, This sets the bottom margin, if the bottom edge of the element the bubble will be assigned to is between this limit and the edge of the page, the bubble will not display under this element. offset: default = 10 This sets the distance between the element and the help bubble License ------- Copyright (c) 2011 - Juan Andrés Peón Máximo Gómez Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Credits ------- Thanks to Replayful, which gives us awesome things to work on