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Helpers_anywhere is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Rails plugin that will let you access helpers anywhere

= HelpersAnywhere

HelpersAnywhere is a Rails plugin that will let you access helpers anywhere, hence the name. One use case would be to let you use the URL helpers in your rake tasks and mailers.

Caveat emptor: If you feel the need for this, you're quite possibly doing it wrong.

== Installation

script/plugin install git://github.com/elektronaut/helpers_anywhere.git

Then add the following line to your initializers:

HelpersAnywhere.default_domain = "mydomain.com"

== Usage


include HelpersAnywhere

with_helper do textilize "Hello world" time_ago_in_words(2.days.ago) users_url end

helper.textilize("Hello world!") helper.time_ago_in_words(2.days.ago) helper.users_url

You don't have to include the module:

HelpersAnywhere.helper.time_ago_in_words(10.minutes_ago) # => 10 minutes

HelpersAnywhere.with_helper do users_url end

== License

Copyright (c) 2009 Inge Jørgensen, released under the MIT license