Home > heroku_deploy


Heroku_deploy is a project mainly written in ..., based on the MIT license.


Deploy to multiple heroku apps (for different environments), making sure to use a predefined stable branch. This will inspect your current git remotes to figure the name of the tasks. So for example, if you have a remote named 'production' poiting to '[email protected]:my-awesome-app', then rake deploy:production will deploy to that application.


rake deploy:setup # this creates and pushes a 'stable' branch to origin

rake deploy:<name-of-remote> # this pushes to whatever remote you have
                             # pointing to heroku that you specify.

Specifying a git ref to push

If you rather push a tag or another branch, then specify a environment variable GIT_REF that points to the ref you want to push. For example:

rake GIT_REF=v1.0 deploy:production

Will push the tag 'v1.0' to the remote named 'production'


Copyright (c) 2009 Nicolás Sanguinetti, for BroadSpire Released under the MIT license.
