Home > heroku-express


Heroku-express is a project mainly written in JavaScript, based on the MIT license.

a simple app skeleton for running an express app on heroku


This is a Hello World express 1.0 app to get going on heroku's experimental node.js support. Heroku does not support any packagement management at this time so this project follows the convention of putting everything in vendor.

It uses the html 5 boilerplate from github to give you a good place to get started. This gives you a default layout and a bunch of extra crap you probably wouldn't want to have to track down yourself.

Clone this repo and you're ready to go.


For local development you can simply run node on the server.js file at the root of the project. Keep in mind that it doesn't reload code dynamically so you'll end up restarting the server quite often. :)

% node server.js


Follow the instructions on the heroku beta-docs site to create a project. It should be as simple as:

% heroku create my-knockout-app --stack beech
% git push heroku master

Each time you push to heroku it will display a link that you can open to see your running application.


There's also a few branches for other use cases on heroku

  • Vanilla Connect App - link
  • Express 0.14.1 (Old Express Version) - link