Home > heroku-s3assets


Heroku-s3assets is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

heroku plugin to copy s3 assets to local development

= Heroku s3assets

Heroku Plugin that provides the ability to download all production s3 assets to your local development app. A common scenario in development is to copy production data to development via the use of heroku db:pull. With this plugin one can also copy production assets stored on s3.

= Requirements

  1. Mac OS X, Linux, or UNIX.
  2. A Heroku account.
  3. aws/s3 gem needs to be installed. gem install aws-s3
  4. progress_bar gem needs to be installed. gem install progress_bar

== Installation

To install:

$ heroku plugins:install [email protected]:rounders/heroku-s3assets.git

== Usage This plugin assumes that your production Heroku app is storing assets on Amazon s3 and that your Heroku app has the following three config vars properly defined: S3_BUCKET, S3_KEY and S3_SECRET ( see http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/config-vars for more info). If any of the S3 config vars are not set you can specify them using command line options.

$ heroku s3assets:pull [--bucket <bucket>] [--key <s3key> ] [--secret <s3secret> ][--output <path>]

To copy all s3 assets to default public/system folder

$ heroku s3assets:pull

To copy all s3 assets to public/assets folder

$ heroku s3assets:pull --output public/assets

If you do not have a S3_BUCKET config var set you can specify a specific bucket as follows:

$ heroku s3assets:pull --bucket mybucket

== License

Please see MIT-LICENSE for more details.

== Copyright

Copyright (c) 2010 Rounders Consulting Inc.
