Home > hfget


Hfget is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Download from hotfile.com using wget

hfget lets you download from hofile.com using wget Premium account required

You can download single links: hfget.py -u username -p password http://hotfile.com/filename...

or serveral links at once stored in a txt file: hfget.py -u username -p password -l linkfile

simply put one link per line

You can also scrape hotfile links from a website hfget.py -u username -p password -p http://website.com/with/hotfile/links.html

If you just want to check if the files are still online use the -c option

It's also possible to create a conf file so you don't have to type in your login information every time you want to download something

Create the file .hfget.conf in your home directory

Insert: [Account] username = yourusername password = yourpassword download_dir = thedefaultdownloaddirectory # if you omit that line, the default download directory is "."
