Home > Hfractal


Hfractal is a project mainly written in Haskell, it's free.

OpenGL Haskell fractal renderer

OpenGL Fractal renderer. Currently only renders the Mandelbrot set, but can extened to other fractals. Doesn't play well with xmonad - use on the floating layer.

Controls: Keyboard Arrow keys - Movement +/- - Zoom in/out a/s - Alter colouring gradient f - Toggle colouring method

- Decrease/increase number of iterations in escape algorithm. p - Print a hi-res image of the current location in the working direction o - Print current location to console
    Left Mouse   -    Centre
    Right Mouse  -    Centre and zoom
    Mouse Wheel  -    Zoom

Can exploit multiple cores - Use hfractal [opts] +RTS -N{cores} to enable this.

On linux the following libraries may be required: [libjpeg8, libpng, libgd2-xpm-dev] On windows the glut32.dll is required
