Home > Higher-Skies


Higher-Skies is a project mainly written in Java, based on the GPL-3.0 license.

A bukkit plugin that increases the apparent build height

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== W A R N I N G: This plugin is experimental! Use at own risk. ==

==== Overview ==== Higher Skies is an experimental bukkit plugin that increases the apparent height limit in Minecraft by lowering the entire world.

Higher Skies rewrites each map chunk as it is loaded into memory by stripping off the bottom few layers of the chunk and then shifting the entire chunk contents down. Finally, Higher Skies seals the bottom of the chunk with beadrock and adds a marker block. The marker block ensures that chunks are only rewritten once.

The first time Higher Skies starts, it will attempt to rewrite all the chunks loaded around the world spawn. This process can take a LONG time and consumes a tremendous amount of memory. During the process, the server may crash. Anticipating this, Higher Skies saves its work periodically and will pick up the job near where it left off at the next server start.

It is not recommended that you use Higher Skies on an in-progress Minecraft world. This plugin is experimental and chest inventories, redstone states, minecarts, and world decorations may be destroyed in the chunk rewriting process. In fresh worlds, chunks are rewritten and marked with the marker block well before they are within the reach of a player, so content destruction is not a problem.

==== Installation ====

  2. Create a new startbukkit.sh file
  3. Install HigherSkies.jar into your plugins directory
  4. Start your server - the config.yml file will be created
  5. Open the config.yml file and set the number of blocks to drop your world.
  6. Reload the server - Chunk processing will begin

==== startbukkit.sh ==== Higher Skies requires all the optimizations java can muster and a powerful machine to run it on. Use the following startbukkit.sh script to set java's initial options.


java -server -native -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+UseParNewGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=2 -XX:+AggressiveOpts -jar craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
