Home > hippo-cmis-plugin


Hippo-cmis-plugin is a project mainly written in Java, based on the Apache-2.0 license.

Allows to access the Hippo repository via CMIS interface, using a set of components developed on top of the Hippo Site Toolkit.

Hippo HST CMIS Server

This module enables HST to publish contents via CMIS.

The packaging is a WAR and it must be overlayed by your HST application in order to work.

The package already provides a simple CMIS repository.properties and all the Spring configurations that need to be injected in the HST configuration in order to have the CMIS Server interface to run.

In order to use it, you need to edit your pom.xml and web.xml:

  1. Build HippoGoGreen

svn co http://svn.onehippo.org/repos/hippo/hippo-demos/hippo-go-green/tags/hippogogreen-3.03.01/ cd hippogogreen-3.03.01/ mvn clean install

  1. Build Hippo CMIS Plugin

git clone git://github.com/sourcesense/hippo-cmis-plugin.git cd hippo-cmis-plugin mvn clean install

  1. Install Hippo CMIS into Hippo GoGreen

3.1. Edit site/pom.xml


com.sourcesense.hippo.opencmis hippo-cmis-plugin 3.03.01 war

and, in the plugins section

org.apache.maven.plugins maven-war-plugin com.sourcesense.hippo.opencmis hippo-cmis-plugin

3.2. Edit site/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml and add the following configurations:

org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.server.impl.CmisRepositoryContextListener com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextListener

3.3. Rebuild site module

cd site mvn clean install

4 - Run CMS and Site

cd hippogogreen-3.03.01 mvn -Pcargo.run

4.1 Configure logging

Add to conf/log4j.xml

5 - Create cmisrestapi node

Open the Hippo Console


Navigate through


Copy topproducts to cmis

Change hst:namedpipeline -> CmisRestContentPipeline

Copy cmis node as a cmis child, calling it any

6 - Try it


This should work.