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Hiveminder.vim is a project mainly written in Vim Script, it's free.

Syntax for Hiveminder exported tasks (tasks.txt) files

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2106

Provides filetype='hiveminder' for use with text file export from Hiveminder (http://hiveminder.com/)

tasks.txt is a formatted todo list which can be edited in place and sent back to Hiveminder to propagate changes.

The file can be generated by clicking on the text file export link on your Hiveminder page, or by using their todo.pl script with the download option. Nothing is provided to detect these files if an alternate filename is selected.

The syntax will also work with the 'braindump' format temporary files generated when you run todo.pl with the 'braindump' option. There's no easy way to detect these, but I've hacked my todo.pl to inform vim. See doc/hiveminder.txt for more information.
