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Hlbot is a project mainly written in C++ and C, based on the GPL-2.0 license.

An old HL Server to IRC bot I wrote that has been rescued from SourceForge.

HLBot Copyright (C) 2002 Erik Davidson

HLBot is an IRC bot that displays what's happening on a Half-Life server in IRC. I'm really bad at making docs, so this is what you get for now until someone feels like writing me some good stuff. :)

Before we get into the all the other stuff, I have some people I need to thank :)

darien from GamesNet for all the suggestions and testing |id|rebel from GamesNet for all the suggestions and testing haggai from OpenProjects for coding/cvs help drippy from RogueNet for original testing Lee Burton - sourceforge team Chris Flanigan - sourceforge team Thanks to Isac Wedegren for original authserv code! and all the rest of you that've helped out, thanks!

Installation notes are in the INSTALL file(there is more to install than make...) IF FREEBSD USE gmake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not make, gmake If any of you are good at writing docs I'd appreciate some help, as you can see I'm not too good. ;)


Type these in IRC:

.help - Displays the commands HLBot understands .status [server] [port] - Displays the status of the server (server and port are optional-they default to your server) .players [server] [port] - Displays the players on the server (server and port are optional-they default to your server) .version - Displays HLBot's version. .s - Displays on the CS Server (RCON required)

Contacting the author(s)

Erik IRC: irc.erikd.org in #phoenix (my nick is aphistic) IRC: irc.erikd.org in #hlbot (my nick is aphistic) IRC: irc.gamesnet.net in #hlbot (my nick is aphistic) Email: [email protected] Web: http://hlbot.erikd.org/

Lee Burton IRC: irc.erikd.org in #phoenix (nick is SG1) IRC: irc.erikd.org in #hlbot (nick is SG1) IRC: irc.gamesnet.net in #hellraisers (nick is SG1) Email: [email protected] Web: http://sg1.dnsalias.org:8080/

Chris Flanigan IRC: irc.erikd.org in #phoenix (nick is Chris) IRC: irc.erikd.org in #hlbot (nick is Chris) Email: [email protected] Web: http://www.chrisf.net/ HLBot is released under the GNU Public License, read LICENSE for more info. If you make any changes to HLBot I'd like it if you could send it to me at [email protected]. I want to see what kinda stuff people are doing with my baby. :)