Home > Hokke-js


Hokke-js is a project mainly written in JavaScript, it's free.

Hokke.js - define hotkey library

what is it

Hokke.js is define hotkey library.
hot-key -> hokey -> hokke
hokke is delicious fish




  • Hokke.map(key, callback)
  • Hokke.unmap(key)
  • Hokke.command(keys, callback)

ok, this is very simple

Hokke.map("j", function(){alert("j")});

using arrow keys and Enter, Space

arrow keys are Left, Up, Right and Down.

Hokke.map("Up", function(){alert("up")});

Enter, Space key is available too.

Hokke.map("Enter", function(){alert("enter")});
Hokke.map("Space", function(){alert("space")});

using modifier keys

modifier keys are Shift, Ctrl and Alt.

this mapping is Shift-j.

Hokke.map("S-j", function(){alert("j with Shift key")});

more complex, this mapping is Shift-Ctrl-Right.

Hokke.map("S-C-j", function(){alert("j with Shift key and Ctrl key")});

callback is not only function but also anchor element

this is mapping to anchor element (a tag).

<a href="http://google.com" id="google" target="_blank">google</a>
Hokke.map("C-g", document.getElementById("google"));

if anchor element has onlick handler, onlick handler is high priority.

<a href="http://google.com" id="google" onclick="alert('google');>google</a>
Hokke.map("C-g", document.getElementById("google"));

command interface a.k.a konami command

Hokke.js can define any command.

this command definition means "user typed 'google' within 5 seconds, alert showing".

Hokke.command(["g", "o", "o", "g", "l", "e"], alert("google"), 5000);