Home > cortex


Cortex is a project mainly written in JAVASCRIPT and PYTHON, based on the MIT license.

Realtime Socket.IO sync between Backbone.js and Django Models

Cortex is a Django extension designed to (hopefully) make realtime Django painless.

The goal is to establish a one-to-one correspondence between Backbone.js models and Django models and allow changes to be synced between client and server in realtime.

Most of the ideas are inspired by Now.js ( http://nowjs.com ) but translated into Pythonic API.


Build your virtualenv:

$ cd cortex
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages env
$ source env/bin/activate

Install necessary packages:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt 

To test one of the example apps follow the directions in



Use pip to Install the requirements.txt in your Django project's virtualenv then place the directory cortex in your Django project's path. Copy all javascript source files from static/ to your static directory. You can then import cortex.


  • Capsule - HenrikJoreteg ( https://github.com/andyet/Capsule )
  • backbone, underscore - Jeremy Ashkenas ( https://github.com/jashkenas )
  • gevent-socketio - Jeffrey Gelens ( https://bitbucket.org/Jeffrey/gevent-socketio )

Capsule is modified from the original, the server side code is stripped.

And yes, the name is Firefly reference.
