Home > hooker


Hooker is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

Rack app to manage your git POST hooks


Rack app to manage your github POST hooks



Modify config/mail.rb to suit your needs. You can find all the options here. An example on how to use it with Sendgrid on Heroku:

Mail.defaults do
  delivery_method :smtp, {
    :port => 25,
    :address => "smtp.sendgrid.net",
    :domain => ENV["SENDGRID_DOMAIN"],
    :authentication => "plain",
    :user_name => ENV["SENDGRID_USERNAME"],
    :password => ENV["SENDGRID_PASSWORD"]

TIP: If you're using sendmail, just comment or remove the configuration file.


This is where you configure the notifications that you want to receive

      recipients: [[email protected], [email protected]]
      recipients: [[email protected]]
      recipients: [[email protected]]
      recipients: [[email protected]]

Run with rackup

Configure it to your needs, then run:

rackup config.ru

Run on Heroku

A quick way to set this up is by using heroku. Clone or fork the repo, change the settings to match your needs and just:

heroku create --stack bamboo-ree-1.8.7
heroku addons:add sendgrid:free
git push heroku

Run heroku info, copy the URL, and configure it to receive your POST hooks on github. And that's it!

About the Author

Crowd Interactive is an American web design and development company that happens to work in Colima, Mexico. We specialize in building and growing online retail stores. We don’t work with everyone – just companies we believe in. Call us today to see if there’s a fit. Find more info here!
