Home > howfardoesdataurlstraverse


Howfardoesdataurlstraverse is a project mainly written in OBJECTIVE-J and JAVASCRIPT, it's free.

bug with dataurls.txt not containing all resources e.g. images if down too deep in the directory hierarchy

DataURLs.txt does not traverse down far enough

Simple example of DataURLs.txt not containing resources that are further down than one directory.

The Resource directory (those marked with '*' are included in dataURLs.txt):

Resources spinner.gif DirOne/ spinner.gif DirTwo/ spinner.gif DirThree/ spinner.gif

This means that all images that are too far down, will get requested from the server instead of being loaded from the dataURLs.txt. This isn't an issue if you have a fast server and not many requests ;)


prompt> jake release

prompt> less Build/Release/howfardoesdataurlstraverse/Browser.environment/dataURLs.txt