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HOX is a project mainly written in ActionScript, based on the MIT license.

HOX is a user-friendly set of utilities designed to ease the pain of common web development tasks. HOX leverages powerful projects such as the Google Closure Compiler and YUI Compressor to provides tools for combining, validating, minifying and clean

About HOX

HOX is an Air application built from several small modules, each designed to serve as useful time-saving components in your web development workflow.

The interface is entirely drag-and-drop — drag in files and folders, then drag the processed results out to the filesystem, FTP client, program or other module. None of your original files will be modified, instead temporary copies are made for you to use as you need them.



The Combine module will pack the contents of all CSS and JavaScript files into a single CSS or JavaScript file. Folders can be dragged in and recursively searched for files with either a .css or .js extension, producing one or both of the outputs: combined.js and combined.css


The Minify module will validate, clean and minify your CSS and JavaScript code. If multiple files or folders are dragged onto the module, HOX will combine them before minification. Simply drag your project folder onto the Minify module and all CSS and JavaScript files detected will be combined and minified.

The Minify module uses the Google Closure Compiler to minify JavaScript and the YUI Compressor to minify CSS.

JavaScript syntax is also checked and if minification cannot take place due to code errors, an error log window will appear providing detailed feedback.


The Export module will recursively clean all directories and subdirectories, removing files such as .svn and __.DS_Store__, without touching other important hidden files. This lets you quickly clean a project before uploading or sharing.