Home > hsbc_crawler


Hsbc_crawler is a project mainly written in Ruby, it's free.

A quick and dirty web crawler to scrape my bank statements from HSBC. Unfortunately written just before they changed their design.

A quick, dirty crawler for HSBC's online banking. They don't offer CSV downloads for everything so I thought I'd do it myself.

To run, just run 'ruby crawl.rb' and it'll ask you for your details. If you want, you can save them to a yaml file instead: the format is explained in hsbc.yml.example. You can put as many or as few of your details in there as you like. I don't recommend leaving your details on disk, obviously. In fact, you probably shouldn't type them into any software ever.

Only tested on my account. It might not work for you. Feel free to fork it and send me a pull request.

I wrote this assuming that it was going to be really hard to test, because crawlers often are, so I didn't bother trying to write tests, which I am now regretting, as I really need tests for some refactoring I want to do. I'm really sorry. I promise to try harder in future.

Suggestions for improvement etc to http://www.github.com/veryhappythings/hsbc_crawler

I offer no guarantees that this code will work and I strongly advise that you don't run this code against your bank account without fully vetting it to ensure that it will do what you think it will do.
