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HStore is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, it's free.

hStore RESTful Module Jonathan Zdziarski [email protected] hData Dev List [email protected]


The hStore Module is an implementation of the hStore RESTful specification which can be integrated with almost any web server capable of handling CGI.

The application consists of two pieces: a CGI executable (hstore) and a plugin library (libhstore_plugins.so). Both can be installed into the cgi-bin on your web server. Use the supplied hstore.conf to specify options.

NOTE: This code is still in its infancy. It DOES NOT yet support (but will eventually) the following features:

  • Patient authorization via OAuth
  • Any authentication mechanisms
  • PKI to work with encrypted documents instead of clear text
  • ATOM feed or subscription based support


Options are set in hstore.conf. Presently available options are below.

DocumentRoot All hData records are stored on the file system for the best overall flexibility. Create a directory which the web server will have access to read and write to, and set this as your document root. hData documents will be stored offset to this directory.

LogFile Log file for the hStoreLogger plugin to write to to record all requests. This file must be accessible to the hStore server from the web server.

hStoreBaseURL Used to generate ATOM feeds and in other places. This is the base URL to the hstore RESTful service.

Plugin The hData server module uses a plugin architecture for future expansion. Multiple plugins may be tied to any HTTP request method that your web server will support, and will be fired in the order in which you define them in hdata.conf. Each plugin can make changes to the content, output information, or return an error code. A small set of default plugins (for bare minimum functionality) have been provided.

PLUGIN DEVELOPMENT Plugins can be developed quite easily to expand the functionality of hStore. Plugins are compiled into shared libraries, then specified in hstore.conf, as follows:

Plugin  GET     libhstore_plugins.so    hStoreDocReader

Plugin  A reserved keyword denoting that this is a plugin configuration

GET The request method that should fire your plugin. You may use
    an asterisk (*) to define your plugin as a wildcard for all
    request methods, or declare your plugin multiple times with
    different request methods.

    The path to the shared object containing your plugin code. This
    can reside anywhere so long as the CGI will have access to it
    when it is running.

    The symbol (function) name within your shared object to call
    to execute the actual plugin code.

The function prototype for all plugins is as follows:

int functionName(hstore_context_t ctx);

Where functionName is replaced with the name of your actual plugin.
The hStore context structure contains a number of useful pieces of
data which your plugin may transform or use for final output.

typedef struct hstore_context {
    hstore_config_t config;
    char *request_path;
    char *request_method;
    char *remote_addr;
} *hstore_context_t;

    See the hstore_plugins.c code for more examples of how the plugin API
can be used. See config.h for information about reading options from
the configuration.