Home > http-proxy-experiment


Http-proxy-experiment is a project mainly written in Go, it's free.

Simple http proxy server written in Go to learn the language. The goal of this server is to proxy some defined websites with full cookie support.

Go Experiment


You can easily compile this experiment using Rake, the Ruby version of Make. If you have Ruby installed, Rake is available on your machine, just run the following command:

    $ rake compile

You can force the architecture to compile for by setting the ARCH environment. Currently the following ARCH values are supported:

  • x86-64
  • 386
  • arm


The app doesn't do much yet. It's mainly a way for me to practice Go and try to build something a bit more complex than a "Hello World" app.

At this point, the app proxies localhost requests to google. Eventually, the app would proxy based on various route rules.


There are no external dependencies outside of #golang obviously.
