Home > hudson-git-policies


Hudson-git-policies is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

git hooks to assist in enforcing safety-properties on a central repository with a special master branch maintained by Hudson.

The purpose of this git hook is to support a special central git repository where

  1. Only a continuous integration tool can merge changes with master
  2. Users can only push to their own prefix branches on the central git repository

The purpose of this is that users can take advantage of distributed version control while developing, but safely share and integrate changes on a central git repository.

Since only the continuous integration tool can merge with master we can safely assume that master is always passing all tests.

A prefix branch is a on the form prefix-name where prefix is the username returned by 'whoami' and the name can be any arbitrary string. A user can pull from master or any prefix branch, but can only push to a branch prefixed with his own username.

In this script we assume that the continuous integration tool is running under a user called 'hudson', but it is trivial to change this.
