Home > Hughesnet-Satellite-Usage-Report


Hughesnet-Satellite-Usage-Report is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.

Console based reporting of hughesnet satellite bandwidth usage.

Console based bandwidth usage reporting for Hughesnet Satellite Service.

Found when sharing a satellite with others with lapotops iespecially running Windows shudder we would often have unexpected spikes in bandwidth and run close to the cap to be put into the "Fair Access Policy" zone.

Upon sharing this little tool I find it much easier to know when it's safe to download that video, or push an update to a remote server witout threatening internet access.

2 ways to use it:

  • Run from console - enter Site Id when prompted.
  • Set your Site Id on line 9 to a string value such as 'SITEID', example given in source.

Requires installation of BeautifulSoup - tested using version 3.2.0 See: http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/ or http://pypi.python.org/pypi/BeautifulSoup

Please contact me if you have any trouble using this script. There is great room for improvement, if there is enough feedback I will likely package it as a django app and run it on google apps.
