Home > hvfs


Hvfs is a project mainly written in C and SHELL, it's free.

Hyper Virtual File System, later changed to Pomegranate

Writter: Ma Can [email protected] Time-stamp: <2009-11-26 14:46:33 macan>

  1. HVFS architecture

    HVFS is divided into four parts: client, metadata server, metadata storage server, low level file systems.

    Client is the interface for POSIX access.

    Metadata server is the memory cached metadata service, supporting excellent scalability and metadata performance.

    Metadata storage server is the stable storage service of the metadata.

    Low level file systems are the non-metadata storage service of the HVFS.

  2. Directories

    include/ : common header files

    mds/ : metadata server

    mdsl/ : metadata storage layer

    kc/ : kernel-level client

    xnet/ : communication layer

    lib/ : library for ring and other things

    r/ : ring and root manager

    api/ : API for userspace direct access