Home > i18n_action_mailer


I18n_action_mailer is a project mainly written in Ruby, based on the MIT license.

Action mailer with i18n options


This plugin will allow ActionMailer to use the I18n library without affecting the controllers language.

Rails currently saves the locale in a thread. When you want to send an email in a different language, this value is used. When the ActionMailer changes the locale, the controller will be affected.

This library lets

  • the ActionMailer save it's own locale
  • provide translation and localisation functions for the mailer
  • override the ActionView translation methods to use the ActionMailer's locale


class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base

def greet_user(user)
  set_locale  user.locale
  subject     t('mailer.greet_user.title')
  recipients  user.email
  body        :user => user


Copyright (c) 2009 Bert Goethals (@bertgoethals), released under the MIT license
