Home > bash-settings


Bash-settings is a project mainly written in ..., it's free.

A central place to keep my bash shell settings

Bash Settings

A central place to keep by bash shell settings. There are two version:

  • bash_profile_osx
  • bash_profile_linux

The files should mostly be the same, save for a few differences e.g. the OS X version sets the default editor to TextMate.

To setup the bash settings:

# Create a directory in your home directory e.g. 
mkdir ~/bash-settings

#Grab the code:
git clone url

# Create a symlink to the appropriate settings file in your home directory
# In OS X
ln -s ~/bash-settings/bash_profile_osx ~/.bash_profile

# In linux
ln -s ~/bash-settings/bash_profile_linux ~/.bash_profile


  1. Check the linux filenames for the bash settings - not sure whether it should be .bash_rc