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Ice9 is a project mainly written in PYTHON and C, it's free.

A compiler for ice9, a toy procedural language.

Project 4 README

Stephen Roller

I opt to use ice9 input for my program.

Please run 'add python25' before running my program

My ice9 compiler runs with optimizations turned on by default. The -s flag (s for slow) can be passed to ice9 in order to specify optimizations should be turned off.

Optimizations on:

$ ./ice9 < infile.9 > outfile.tm

Optimizations off:

$ ./ice9 -s < infile.9 > outfile.tm

My unit tests may be run with:

$ python tests.py

and you may view them in in the tests.py. Each unit tests is run optimized and unoptimized to ensure both outputs match the target.

Implemented Optimizations

AST Level Optimizations

Constant Folding

Most of the constant folding was performed at the AST level (astoptimizer.py).

$ echo "writes 3 + 4;"  | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 7(0)        * load constant: 7
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Identity operations (* 1, + 0, etc)

These were somewhat performed by tree transformations, but were also further improved later on.

$ echo "writes read + 0;"  | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: IN        1, 0, 0        * Read input from command line.
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Known conditionals

If statements are checked for true/false in their tests to see if the branch will always or never be taken.

$ echo "if true -> writes 3; fi" | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 3(0)        * load constant: 3
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

$ echo "if false -> writes 3; fi" | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Static string-to-integer conversion

int(s : string) will be precomputed for any non-dynamic strings:

$ echo "writes int('3');" | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 3(0)        * load constant: 3
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Peephole Optimizations

I also wrote a number of peephole optimizations. All the patterns can be seen in optimizer.py, but here is a summary:

Sequential adds

Similar to constant folding, this will take an LDC followed by an LDA or two sequential LDAs and collapse them into just one operation. (See next example).

Unnecessary pushes/pops

Any pushes followed by pops will be removed. (This one is difficult to demonstrate alone, but it is apparent when combined with constant folding).

$ echo 'var a : int; a := 3; a := a + 4; writes a;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 7(1)        * load result: 7
    2: ST        1, 1(0)        * STORE variable a
    3: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    4: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Strength reduction

Several operations, such as multiplying by 2 or -1, will be reduced to ADD or SUB operations.

$ echo '-1 *  read;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: IN        1, 0, 0        * Read input from command line.
    2: SUB       1, 0, 1        * Invert sign.
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

$ echo '2 * read;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: IN        1, 0, 0        * Read input from command line.
    2: ADD       1, 1, 1        * A * 2
    3: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Sequential pops or pushes

Without optimization:

$ echo 'proc foo() write 2; end; foo();' | ice9 -s
    11: ST        2,-1(6)       * save registers before proc call
    12: LDA       6,-1(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
    13: ST        3,-1(6)       * save registers before proc call
    14: LDA       6,-1(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
    15: ST        4,-1(6)       * save registers before proc call
    16: LDA       6,-1(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
    17: ST        5,-1(6)       * store the frame pointer before the call
    18: LDA       6,-1(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
    23: LD        5, 0(6)       * pop the frame pointer after call
    24: LDA       6, 1(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer
    25: LD        4, 0(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    26: LDA       6, 1(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer
    27: LD        3, 0(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    28: LDA       6, 1(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer
    29: LD        2, 0(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    30: LDA       6, 1(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer

With optimization:

$ echo 'proc foo() write 2; end; foo();' | ice9
    11: ST        2,-1(6)       * save registers before proc call
    12: ST        3,-2(6)       * save registers before proc call
    13: ST        4,-3(6)       * save registers before proc call
    14: ST        5,-4(6)       * store the frame pointer before the call
    15: LDA       6,-4(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
    20: LD        5, 0(6)       * pop the frame pointer after call
    21: LD        4, 1(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    22: LD        3, 2(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    23: LD        2, 3(6)       * remember registers from before proc call
    24: LDA       6, 4(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer

Other Optimizations

Dead code removal

A depth-first search of the CFG is used to find dead code and eliminate it.

Example 1: Removing an uncalled proc:

$ echo 'proc foo() write 2; end; write 4;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 4(0)        * load constant: 4
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: OUTNL     0, 0, 0        * newline for write
    4: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Example 2: Removing unreachable code:

$ echo 'write 1; exit; write 2;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 1(0)        * load constant: 1
    2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    3: OUTNL     0, 0, 0        * newline for write
    4: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Remove dead jumps

Useless jumps (like skipping empty proc definitions) are removed.

Without optimization (Note instruction #1):

$ echo 'write 3;' | ice9 -s
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: JEQ       0, 0(7)        * skip proc definitions
    2: LDC       1, 3(0)        * load constant: 3
    3: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    4: OUTNL     0, 0, 0        * newline for write
    5: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

With optimization:

    $ echo 'write 3;' | ice9 
        0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
        1: LDC       1, 3(0)        * load constant: 3
        2: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
        3: OUTNL     0, 0, 0        * newline for write
        4: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Boolean conditional jumps

A special cases of the form if (y > x) ->, where AC1 would normally be explicitly set to 0 or 1, and then JEQ'd.

Without optimization (note instructions #8-13)

$ echo 'if (read > 3) -> write 4; fi' | ice9 -s
     0: LD        6, 0(0)       * Set the stack pointer
     1: JEQ       0, 0(7)       * skip proc definitions
     2: IN        1, 0, 0       * Read input from command line.
     3: ST        1,-1(6)       * Store reg 1 on the stack
     4: LDA       6,-1(6)       * Move (push) the stack pointer
     5: LDC       1, 3(0)       * load constant: 3
     6: LD        2, 0(6)       * Get reg 2 off the stack
     7: LDA       6, 1(6)       * Move (pop) the stack pointer

     8: SUB       1, 2, 1       * SUB left and right.
     9: JGT       1, 2(7)       * skip set to false
    10: LDC       1, 0(0)       * comparison is bad, set reg 1 to false
    11: JEQ       0, 1(7)       * skip set to true
    12: LDC       1, 1(0)       * compairson is good, set reg 1 to true
    13: JEQ       1, 4(7)       * if false, jump to next cond

    14: LDC       1, 4(0)       * load constant: 4
    15: OUT       1, 0, 0       * writing int
    16: OUTNL     0, 0, 0       * newline for write
    17: JEQ       0, 0(7)       * jump to end of if-then-else
    18: HALT      0, 0, 0       * END OF PROGRAM

With optimization (Note instructions #2-3):

$ echo 'if (read > 3) -> write 4; fi' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: IN        1, 0, 0        * Read input from command line.

    2: LDA       1,-3(1)        * Subtract 3
    3: JLE       1, 3(7)        * if false, jump to next cond

    4: LDC       1, 4(0)        * load constant: 4
    5: OUT       1, 0, 0        * writing int
    6: OUTNL     0, 0, 0        * newline for write
    7: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

Overall results

File         # Instrs Unopt  # Instrs Opt  % Change
--------     --------------  ------------  --------
bsort.9           398            340          14.6%
dice.9            248            183          26.2%
fact.9            168            107          36.3%
fib.9             196            123          37.2%
ifact.9           135             97          28.1%
sieve.9           310            251          19.0%
sticks.9          876            556          36.5%
Total            2331           1657          28.9%

Limitations & Unimplemented

Sometimes my optimizer is over-eager and will optimize out side-effect operations. In this example, the read operation is optimized out, so the user is never prompted at all:

$ echo '0 * read;' | ice9
    0: LD        6, 0(0)        * Set the stack pointer
    1: LDC       1, 0(0)        * load constant: 0
    2: HALT      0, 0, 0        * END OF PROGRAM

I did not optimize array references or jump chaining. I ran out of time to do array references and I had difficulty creating trivial examples of jump chaining.
