Home > icedcoffee


Icedcoffee is a project mainly written in CoffeeScript, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.

super dumb simple presentation software written in coffeescript for a talk.


IcedCoffee is a really simple slideshow program. Included is my talk on CoffeeScript from the 2010 April ElProg talk.

It's really not that great (written on the world's shortest deadline), but it was written with the intent of learning some of the cooler language features of CoffeeScript.

To run it:

git clone git://github.com/chrisdickinson/icedcoffee.git
cd icedcoffee
mkdir js
coffee --compile coffee/* -o js/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
open "http://localhost:8000/slide1"

Click moves the slideshow forward, shift+click moves it backward (in theory).