Home > idonmapper


Idonmapper is a project mainly written in JAVA and SHELL, it's free.

Hexagon Concept Modelling

idonmapper v0.01 by Sean Talbot. Contact: [email protected]

This READ_ME file contains the information to run the application. For information on how to use the program, please see the manuals, which exist in various formats, in the 'idonmapper_stable/docs' folder.


This is a graphical java application to enable the creation of complex hexagonal mind/concept-maps as described by Anthony Hodgson in his 'Hexagons for Systems Thinking' paper, a copy of which may be found at


. Google Sets (http://labs.google.com/sets) acts as a 'suggestion' engine to find related concepts, which may be included in maps.

Generated maps may be saved or loaded to an XML file, and can be exported as images to PostScript.

Stable and experimental

Please note there are two versions of the software. The 'stable' version allows for map-creation with a single size of hexagon, but the overall program is more polished, tested and developed. The 'experimental' version should be regarded as a development version, in which the use of varying-sized hexagons is being tried out. As a result, the information below should be regarded as relevant to both versions but focused on the stable version.


This software is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE, Version 3, a copy of which should be present in docs/license.txt.



This software was developed and tested on a PC with the following specs:

Intel Pentium 4 2.8ghz 32-bit CPU 1gb of RAM nVidia 7600se 512mb graphics card

but it should perform adequately on slightly lower specs than this (i.e. ~1ghz CPU, 512mb RAM).


The program requires that the Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or higher is installed.

To check you can try running


from the command line to see if it is a recognised command. If it is, you can try

java -version

to see if you have a compatible version installed.If not, please download and install Java from


and select the option for your operating system.

Running the program

The program may be run in the following ways

1) compiling from the java source and running manually;

2) running from the pre-compiled class files;

or (the easiest)

3) via the executable .jar file.

Please note that it is necessary to download third-party jar files for any of the above options chosen.

Obtaining the third-party jar files

This (stable) version of the program relies on the following third-party jar files which must by present in the 'lib' folder in order for it to compile and run:

                NOTE these can *ALL* be downloaded easily via the project page on Github:


Alternatively, they can be downloaded individually from:

jar URI

jxlayer.jar https://jxlayer.dev.java.net/bin/jxlayer.jar swingx-1.6.1.jar https://swingx.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=12289&expandFolder=12289&folderID=6868 jericho-html-3.1.jar http://sourceforge.net/projects/jerichohtml/files/jericho-html/3.1/jericho-html-3.1.zip/download miglayout-3.7.2.jar http://www.migcalendar.com/miglayout/versions/3.7.2/miglayout-3.7.2.jar xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.apache.org/xmlgraphics/commons/binaries/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4-bin.tar.gz

Compiling from source

Please make sure the above jar files have been located and placed in the 'lib' directory before continuing.

There should exist a file (use 'compile.sh' for Linux/Max, 'compile.bat' on Windows) containing the command to compile the program. This can be executed from the command line (DOS prompt 'cmd.exe' in Windows) by using

cd [PATH]

to move to the idonmapper_stable directory, followed by entering the name of the file. The file may first need to be made executable on Linux / Macintosh using

chmod +x [FILE NAME]

If the file is missing, then the following command will compile the software

On Linux/Mac

javac -cp :lib/miglayout-3.7.2.jar:lib/jericho-html-3.1.jar:lib/jxlayer.jar:lib/swingx-1.6.1.jar:lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar: idonmapper/*.java

On Windows

javac -cp ;lib/miglayout-3.7.2.jar;lib/jericho-html-3.1.jar;lib/jxlayer.jar;lib/swingx-1.6.1.jar;lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar; idonmapper/*.java

Running the compiled classes

Please make sure the above jar files have been located and placed in the 'lib' directory before continuing.

There should exist a file (use 'run.sh' for Linux/Max, 'run.bat' on Windows) containing the command to run the program. This can be executed from the command line (DOS prompt 'cmd.exe' in Windows) by using

cd [PATH]

to move to the idonmapper_stable directory, followed by entering the name of the file. The file may first need to be made executable on Linux / Macintosh using

chmod +x [FILE NAME]

If the file is missing, then the following commands will compile the software

On Linux/Mac

java -cp :lib/miglayout-3.7.2.jar:lib/jericho-html-3.1.jar:lib/jxlayer.jar:lib/swingx-1.6.1.jar:lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar: idonmapper.Start

On Windows

java -cp ;lib/miglayout-3.7.2.jar;lib/jericho-html-3.1.jar;lib/jxlayer.jar;lib/swingx-1.6.1.jar;lib/xmlgraphics-commons-1.4.jar; idonmapper.Start

Running the jar file

Please make sure the above jar files have been located and placed in the 'lib' directory before continuing.

There should be a file named idonmapper.jar file in the base directory of this version of the application.

The file may need to be made executable on Linux / Macintosh using

chmod +x [FILE NAME]

The file may then be executed by doubled clicking on it or by typing its name into the command line.

Creating a jar from the compiled classes

You may wish to create a jar out of compiled sources yourself. There should be two files present in the directory

jar-stable manifest-stable

These are both required. jar-stable contains a template command to create a jar based upon the contents of the idonmapper and idonmapper/Event source directories. Note that this and the manifest-stable file may need editing if you include other classes / jars.