Home > idovoices


Idovoices is a project mainly written in Python, it's free.



In Google App Engine dashboard: Register an application Download this repo: git clone git://github.com/smashcubed/idovoices.git in app.yaml: change "application: idovoices" to your own application name Deploy the application

In Twilio's dashboard: point a number to http://.appengine.com/sms You're ready to play!

Play: Send "play" to the number you assigned (we'll call it HOST). You will receive a name to impersonate. Without saying the name of the person, get others to text the name to HOST. (They can misspell a little) When someone is correct, they get 10 points, you get 20 points and a new name to impersonate. Everyone gets a name at the same time. First to 200 points wins! If you accidentally say your name or don't know who that is, text "pass" for a new name.
