Home > if-sandbox


If-sandbox is a project mainly written in Shell, it's free.

Optional sandbox to use for anyone interested in the IF perl framework


This will greatly assist getting the IF perl framework working under OSX and Linux. It has been successfully run under Snow Leopard, Ubuntu (HH) and Centos.

It contains all the Open Source bits and pieces that you'll need to run IF-based applications, except MySQL; we assume you use the system one.

Getting the sandbox working for the first time

First, you have to shut off MySQL if it's running. This is because there's a bug either in MySQL or DBD::mysql whereby it hangs during the make test phase of the installation. Yes, this is probably a bug that we shouldn't ignore but I don't have time to figure out what's going on, or try to find an older version of DBD::mysql that does work in OSX.

So, the first time you install the sandbox, do this: (fix up your paths accordingly)

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM stop export IF_SANDBOX=~/LocalProjects/if-sandbox cd $IF_SANDBOX make

During the make process, the installation of the perl modules will annoyingly ask you some questions. Refuse to install optional modules and accept all other defaults.

If all goes well, you can activate the sandbox using

source $IF_SANDBOX/activate.sh

and you'll be good to go. Remember to restart MySQL:

sudo /Library/StartupItems/MySQLCOM/MySQLCOM start

NOTE: In order to use the sandbox you will also need to update your conf files to point to the new locations of apache and memcached:

In IF.conf:

MEMCACHED_PATH => "$ENV{'IF_SANDBOX'}/local/bin/memcached",

In you app's Config.pm:

HTTPD_PATH => "$ENV{'IF_SANDBOX'}/local/apache2/bin/httpd",


MODULE_PATH => "$ENV{'IF_SANDBOX'}/local/apache2/modules",

And that's it.
