Home > ilsgateway


Ilsgateway is a project mainly written in PYTHON and JAVASCRIPT, based on the BSD-3-Clause license.


RapidSMS is a free and open source framework for building interactive SMS applications, which integrates tightly with Django to provide a rich reporting interface. It was created by the Innovation Team at UNICEF, and is under development by the RapidSMS Team_.

.. _Django: http://djangoproject.com .. _UNICEF: http://unicef.org .. _the RapidSMS Team: http://github.com/rapidsms


  1. the old rapidsms codebase (aka tusker) that has been living in http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms HAS BEEN MOVED to http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-legacy -- if your clone or fork is still in use, you should update your repository's remote/origin

  2. a COMBINED repository of the contents of http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-core-dev and http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-contrib-apps-dev HAS REPLACED the old codebase in http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms

('search' and 'training' apps that were in http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-contrib-apps-dev HAVE BEEN REMOVED and are now submodules of http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-community-apps-dev)

  1. http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-core-dev and http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-contrib-apps-dev WILL REMAIN UNCHANGED until the 1.0 release but should now be considered DEPRECATED.

  2. pypi package will now install from http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms


RapidSMS is best installed via PyPi_::

$ pip install rapidsms

.. _PyPi: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/RapidSMS

The RapidSMS project skeleton is identical to the Django project skeleton, with a few of our settings added. To quickly spawn a new project, we've bundled a wrapper around django-admin.py::

$ rapidsms-admin.py startproject myproject

The runrouter management command starts the router, sends and receives SMS (and other short messages) via the configurable backends::

$ python manage.py runrouter

Getting Help

Right now, RapidSMS isn't very well documented. We're working on that on the RapidSMS wiki_, but you may find more useful information on the mailing list for the time being.

.. _the RapidSMS wiki: http://docs.rapidsms.org .. _the mailing list: http://groups.google.com/group/rapidsms


  • Python <http://python.org>_
  • Django <http://djangoproject.com>_
  • django-nose <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-nose>_
  • djappsettings <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/djappsettings>_
  • djtables <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/djtables>_


RapidSMS is free software, available under the BSD license.


Please file bugs on GitHub_.

.. _GitHub: http://github.com/rapidsms/rapidsms-core-dev/issues
