Home > imagecache_subdomain


Imagecache_subdomain is a project mainly written in ..., based on the View license.

Add functionality to have subdomain for image generated by imagecache on Drupal sites.

Imagecache subdomain


This module is a extension for imagecache module to use subdomain to serve image generated by imagecache. You can define multiple subdomain and serve image from that (using specific subdomain for image).

Why use it

Using imagecache_subdomain you can improve your front end loading performance. Each browser can download only 2 different file from each subdomain together; if you use different subdomain for images your browser can dowload much file together and complete page loading faster then only one domain.

You can find more info on:




This module is develop and mantain from Marco Vito Moscaritolo (aka mavimo). Please report bug, feature request or any other issue using

